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Easy Tips To Maintain Your Sofa At Home This Summer

Easy Tips To Maintain Your Sofa At Home This Summer

Your home is a reflection and extension of your personality and style. And nothing impacts your impression on your guests more than your living room  sofa.  You have bought a stylish and expensive  modern sofa.  But with regular use, it may have become a bit dull or grubby. Your poorly maintained  sofa  will not give a favourable impression to your guests. Regular sofa maintenance by oneself at home can seem tricky and tedious. Especially in the summer, when you and your kids spend more time relaxing, your couch is exposed to sweat, spilt drinks, gravy stains, oil stains, crumbs, or pet hairs. All this can make your stylish couch look dingy. And these things, when left unattended for a prolonged time, will need expensive professional  sofa cleaning.  However, you can ensure your couch looks fresh with  summer sofa maintenance  ideas. Regular  summer sofa maintenance  will safeguard the looks and hygiene of your sofa. Read ahead for easy and efficient  sofa maintenance tips.


Tips for Sofa Maintenance

Everyone knows the importance of a stylish and comfortable couch. To purchase a trendy and durable couch, people spend a lot. You can get extensive collection of elegant and  modern sofa  designs at affordable prices. Whether you choose a fabric sofa or a  leather sofa,  every sofa will require regular maintenance for long lasting. Every sofa experiences wear and tear over time with daily usage. But you can delay the wear and tear and preserve the newness of your couch with periodic cleaning and maintenance. Here are some popular  sofa maintenance tips  to keep your sofa looking good for a long time: 


Regular Vacuuming

Your couch attracts dust and dirt from many sources, such as your hands, the environment, pets, and kids. So, the first step in its cleaning regime is vacuuming to remove dust and dirt accumulation. Vacuuming will remove superficial dust, fur, pet hairs, food crumbs, and grime. Just by vacuuming, you will notice your couch looking fresh and bright. You can either use a general-purpose or sofa vacuum cleaner. Make sure to clean all hidden and concealed corners and nooks for a thorough cleaning. It is in these crevices that hair, fur, and crumbs accumulate the most. For hard-to-reach places with your vacuum attachment, use a manual brush. For hard surfaces, a vacuum will only remove the dust. Clean them with a damp cloth to spruce them up. You can also wipe your  leather sofa  or a fabric sofa that can be cleaned with a cloth to remove dirt marks. Remember not to use a damp cloth on velvet or suede sofas.


Read Also: 10 Amazing Ways to Give Sofa Furniture as a Gift to Love Ones


Remove Stains

Several times something gets spilled on your couch, or someone accidentally wipes their dirty hands on it. Even with all the precautions, there are bound to be any stain on your couch. You can prevent most stains by covering your couch with sofa covers. These sofa covers can be cleaned frequently or changed when badly stained. But then the stylish look of your couch is hidden. So, the next best thing is to clean up the spills or stains as soon as they occur. Stains, when left unattended, become stubborn and are tough to remove. You can clean up water spills by dabbing a paper towel on the wet area. For other spills or stains, blot the area with a clean cloth. Remember not to spread the mark, but remove excessive substances carefully. Then, as per the cleaning instructions for your sofa, use the specific cleaning solution to clean the area.

Here are some DIY cleaning tips as per sofa materials:


  • Fabric - Mix ¼ parts vinegar, ¾ parts warm water, and one tablespoon of dishwashing soap in a bottle. Spray the mixture on the affected area. Scrub the area with a soft cloth to gently remove the stain. Use another clean and damp cloth to remove the soap mixture. You can moisten the cloth further to take out the soap mixture completely. However, remember not to soak the fabric too much. Use a paper towel to soak up the moisture or excess water. Let the area air dry, or use a fan to dry it. 
  • Leather - Mix ¼ cup vinegar with ½ cup olive oil in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on the affected area. Rub gently with a soft cloth. Wipe with a paper towel or clean cloth. Let it dry completely. 
  • Synthetic - Mix 1 cup warm water, ½ tablespoon liquid dish soap, and ½ cup vinegar in a bottle. Spray on the affected area. Scrub off the stain gently with a soft cloth. Clear off the soap mixture with a damp, clean cloth. Use a bucket of water to remove the soap mixture. Blot the area with a paper towel to remove excess moisture. Let the sofa air-dry completely.


Check out beautiful sofa covers at Athome


Air Your Sofa

Summer months and sweat can cause a musty odour on your sofa. Sometimes, your sofa can pick up stale odours from the constantly closed windows. So, from time to time, after you do a thorough cleaning, air your sofa. To do so, remove the  cushions  or any upholstery. Open the windows to let fresh air circulate, freshen up your couch and remove any stuffy odours. In case you are unable to open the windows, open the doors, switch on the fan, and let your sofa air out.


Read Also: Things You Should Remember While Buying a Sofa for Your Home


Avoid Direct Sunlight

The summer sun is harsher and hotter. However, irrespective of the season, safeguard your sofa from exposure to direct sunlight. Sunlight causes the colour to fade and deteriorate the material. Therefore, keep your sofa away from windows or use curtains and blinds to block sunlight from hampering your appearance by the sofa.



Maintaining the appearance and hygiene of your sofa by yourself is easy. All you need to do is invest your time in periodic  sofa cleaning  and promptness to avoid stains. Use these simple tips to maintain your sofa this summer. To purchase trendy sofas and other  living room furniture  for your home, visit  Athome

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