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Essential Oils vs Fragrance Oils: Know the Difference

Essential Oils vs Fragrance Oils: Know the Difference

From the ranges of personal care to skincare,  essential oils and fragrance oils have found widespread usage across the vast consumer product markets in recent years. Their increasing popularities are due to their versatile qualities and properties, which include anti microbes and antioxidants. Though both the types are inorganic, the essential oils are derived from natural sources. Fragrance oils are also obtained and extracted from natural and manmade sources. Over and over the years, there have been slight variations among these oils, with essential oils being the parent ones from which numerous other varieties originate. 

Explore a range of essential oils from  @home by Nilkamal.

A tour guide to essential oils as well as the fragrance oils:

What helps in setting the essential oils apart from their counterparts?

The essential oils are extracted from plants using the methods of distillation and other similar scientific extraction processes. Once this process is completed, these highly concentrated extracts are later diluted and made available for their respective uses. Every plant extract contains many chemically active compounds that help in tackling acne bacterias and soothe the nerves. 


Extra convenient - properties: 

Some doubt if both the varying oils have the same lot of properties. Although some of them are in similar aspects, essential oils are highly concentrated and generally possess ample therapeutic benefits to fragrance oils. To cite examples, essential oils contain anti-inflammatory, anti final as well as anti-bacterial, and analgesic properties. In comparison, fragrance oils contain aromatic compounds and generally do not show any therapeutic benefit like the former ones. However, fragrance oils that are naturally sourced exhibit stress-busting, insect repelling, and soothing properties.

Their versatility - uses: 

The essential diffuser oils are used for massages, skincare, soaps, aromatherapy and hair applications, etc. Fragrance oils can be the primary products in  diffusers, perfume blends,  room fresheners, incense sticks, and similar applications. When it comes to using products externally on the body, one should keep in mind that fragrance oils made of natural and organic ingredients are the only ones safe to use. Essential oils are blended and diluted with other products, and we have to be specific while determining the right concentrations of these products. 

The efficacy - benefits:

While essential oils provide relief from bruises, cuts, sunburns, other infections, and muscle pains, the fragrance oils help in reviving your spirits and instil a sense of freshness in closed spaces. Essential oils are also used for skin problems like warts, pimples, acne, etc. They prove to be effective in maintaining the youth nature of skins. Fragrance oils obtained from natural sources are the only skin-friendly ones. The others are used to make perfumes, incense sticks, scented candles, and so on. 

Essential diffuser oils also come in handy in the treatment of split ends, hair fall, dandruff, and other related problems. On the other hand, fragrance oils can be used as fragrance enhancers in cosmetics, etc. Due to their expectorant and decongestion properties, you can inhale as well as diffuse these essential oils to obtain relief from cold, cough, etc. Fragrance oils thus exude amazing scents, also helping to deodorize air by eliminating odours that emanate due to dirt, dust, and so on. Check out home accessories and more only from  @home by Nilkamal.

Which oil lasts longer, fragrance oils or essential oils?

Essential oils have powerful fragrances depending on which products they are extracted from and their concentrations. However, they are not specifically created to make scented candles, perfumes, or other similar variants, as these aromas might not be long-lasting and strong when compared to their fragrance oil counterparts. In case of the  oil fragrances, they are created for different purposes; for example, some are famous for making perfume blends as well as room fresheners, while some are suitable as  oil fragrances, etc. The same goes with essential oils as well, and they contain varying properties. 

Shel life of both the oil variants:

Essential oils generally have a tough time providing the same scent life per quantity of the oils. Therefore essential oils require large amounts of the extract to achieve similar intensities of scents. As every fragrance oil is compromised with different molecular compounds, they dissipate at different speeds, making it difficult to decide how long each variant will last. 

Which one to prefer, fragrance oils or essential oils?

Off late, essential oils are preferred over the other variants, especially in the case of topical applications as well as skin and hair care. Though both these types of oils are formulated for external use, fragrance oils are generally not as effective as the essential ones and can generally be suggested for scent-related uses. On the other hand, essential oils need to be chosen as per their specific features and properties. While comparing the oils together, care should be taken to prioritize them based on your requirements. The essential oils help in serving better and also resolving breathing issues, improving hair growth, soothing skin irritation, etc. They also help to promote healthy lifestyles by improving body immunity, health, and related aspects. However, do not consume any of these oils that contain harmful and inorganic ingredients orally. In recent times,  essential oils are needed to treat oral infections but only once it is diluted after proper precaution and care. 


Hence, if you want to choose between the above 2 oils, the simplest answer is based on the applications and use. One thing to watch out for is the supplier's credentials. Buy essential oils and fragrance oils from  @home by Nilkamal today.

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